今朝、20mFT8でANTをNAに向け、あと一つ残ったWY州とQSOしたくてCQを出していたら、突然MessageがPOPUPした。VK7XXからで、TasmaniaにCQ WYが良く聞こえているよ、というもの。
And, if you are already using JTAlert, or are about to start using it, be aware that it has a TEXT message facility that is very very useful.... The number of people who are using JTAlert and have NO IDEA that it has a TXT Message facility just astounds me. Daily, I send messages to other JTAlert users and they have no idea where the message popped up from. Two things you need to know...
With JTAlert the active window on your machine, press F5. Type a call in to the box and click in the message area.... IF a green ONLINE message appears, that person is also using JTAlert.
I hope that this will be useful information..